Mar 6, 2018

Convert Your USB Port in to Many Serial Ports

Nowadays almost all the laptops are not having any serial ports on them. This, in fact, creates a lot of problems for all Automation and electronics engineers as daily we guys have to communicate with external devices over serial communication. Many options are available in the market through which we can convert USB Port on our PC/Laptop to Serial/RS485 port. But we should take utmost care while buying as these converters are not so reliable and can let failure at the site.

Convert Your USB Port in to Many Serial Ports

Convert Your USB Port in to Many Serial RS232/RS422/RS485 Ports

Today in this post we will discuss about the different type of options available to convert existing USB port in to Serial / RS485 port. Many companies have started manufacturing these converters as these are easy to made and are in much demand due to lack of serial port on new laptops. There are devices available in the market for RS232 to RS485 converter. In fact in this world driven by electronic and automation technologies, we can find out everything to convert the signal and protocol format as per our application demand.

One USb, get up to 16 Serial Ports:-

There is one company "ByteRunner" whose USB to RS485 converters are very popular in the market. The company claims to have even 16 serial ports converter. Yes, that is you can have 16 different comms on your laptop just with their device. All the 16 different comms are individually configurable and separate/different settings can be assigned to them.This USB to Serial Adapter is suitable for remote access, retail and industrial applications, data collection and other applications requiring high-speed RS-232 communication ports.

Small USB 16 port Device

Moreover, these devices are capable of Speed of Serial port speed up to 230,400 bps or 921,600 bps depending on the model and provide you with features like Full modem control signals & data signals support. So these devices prove to be boon for every automation engineer where we have to daily deal with serial commiunication devices.

One more company named "Logica" also manufactures USB to RS422/Rs485 converter and it allows to convert an output signal RS232 from a PC or another device into an RS485 or RS422 electrical standard. These devices also have the feature of Automation Transmission and Hardware Transmission which makes these devices a versatile equipment for all your communication needs.

Logica USB to RS422 Converter

Later in coming articles, we will also discuss about the circuit of this Converter and procedure to make it at home. Till then you can subscribe to Automation-Talk by Email to get all latest updates.

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